import { asyncIterableToStream } from ''; import { aMap, aJoin, promiseToAsyncIterable } from './iter.ts'; import type { HTML } from './html.ts'; const isCFWorkers = (self.navigator)?.userAgent?.includes('Cloudflare-Workers') || !('TextEncoderStream' in self) || !('ReadableStream' in self) || !('pipeThrough' in ReadableStream.prototype) class DefaultHTMLResponse extends Response { static contentType = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8'; constructor(html: HTML, init?: ResponseInit) { super(asyncIterableToStream(html).pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream()), init); this.headers.set('Content-Type', DefaultHTMLResponse.contentType); } } export class CFWorkersHTMLResponse extends Response { static contentType = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8'; constructor(html: HTML, init?: ResponseInit) { const encoder = new TextEncoder(); const encode = aMap(x => encoder.encode(x)); super(asyncIterableToStream(encode(html)), init); this.headers.set('Content-Type', CFWorkersHTMLResponse.contentType); } } // CF Workers doesn't support non-binary Transform Streams, // so we use a version that does the byte encoding in a async iterator instead: export const HTMLResponse: typeof DefaultHTMLResponse = isCFWorkers ? CFWorkersHTMLResponse : DefaultHTMLResponse; /** * If for any reason you don't want to use streaming response bodies, * you can use this class instead, which will buffer the entire body before releasing it to the network. * Note that headers will still be sent immediately. */ export class BufferedHTMLResponse extends Response { static contentType = 'text/html;charset=UTF-8'; constructor(html: HTML, init?: ResponseInit) { const bufferedHTML = aJoin(html).then(str => new TextEncoder().encode(str)); super(asyncIterableToStream(promiseToAsyncIterable(bufferedHTML)), init); this.headers.set('Content-Type', BufferedHTMLResponse.contentType); } }